25 seeds
cultivation: easy
seeds production: beginner
Siberian Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
Siberian Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum): it is more resistant to low temperatures than any other tomato. According to some source, it seemed to arrive in Russia in 1975 , according to others, it happened thanks to Bill McDorman who got the seeds from the Siberian Institute of Horticulture.
This ecotype grows and matures even with temperatures that are prohibitive for others of the species, very early, if grown in spring it bears many fruits which will be ripe within 60 days of transplanting. The "cluster" type fruits (i.e. in bunches) are of a beautiful red colour, round, with fine skin, sweet and tasty; they can be eaten fresh or cooked, it adapts to many recipes. The plant is of the determinate type, it can therefore also be easily grown in pots. Suitable for those who grow in cool, mountain climates, with short seasons... for those who don't like to wait too long!